1992 National Wetlands Awards Recipients

Steve Gordon

Senior Program Manager, Lane Council of Governments
Eugene, Oregon
Steve Gordon has been a land-use planner with Lane Council of Governments (L-COG) since 1975, where he is currently senior program manager.

David G. Burke

Chief, Nontidal Wetlands Division, Department of Natural Resources
Annapolis, Maryland
David G. Burke has distinguished himself by the magnitude of his impact on Maryland’s wetlands.

Kenneth F. Bierly

Wetlands Program Manager, Division of State Lands
Salem, Oregon
Kenneth F. Bierly is the model of an improbable bureaucrat.

George A. Sinner

Governor, North Dakota
North Dakota
Governor George A. Sinner is renowned as a man who loves an issue in need of a solution.

Ray McCormick

Vincennes, Indiana
Mr. Ray McCormick's ethical land stewardship led his farm to become a national model for natural resource conservation and resulted in his support for the Pakota River National Wildlife Refuge.

Ross Murphy

Director, Deep Fork Wetlands Coalition
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Ross Murphy is a drilling manager for Helmmerich & Payne, Inc., an independent oil and gas exploration company in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Henry N. Barkhausen

Director, Citizens Committee to Save the Cache River
Jonesboro, Illinois
Through his individual efforts, Henry N. Barkhausen, has brought together a consortium of private organizations, businesses, and public agencies to protect the Cache River wetlands in southern Illinois.

Ralph E. Good

Director, Biology Graduate Program
Rutgers University-Camden Campus, New Jersey
Dr. Ralph E. Good was a distinguished ecologist at Rutgers University for 24 years and served as professor of botany, director of the graduate program in biology at the Rutgers-Camden campus, and director of the Rutger’s Division of Pinelands Research.