
David L. Davis
Richmond, Virginia

David L. Davis is the director of the Office of Wetlands and Stream protection at Virgina’s Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ). He has played an essential leadership role in the evolution of Virginia’s wetland program. In 2000, he was nominated to serve on VDEQ’s Technical Advisory Committee to draft regulations implementing new state wetland laws. A year later, he joined the staff as a wetlands ecologist, and then, in 2006, became the director. In 2012, he was appointed to the Certification Review Committee for the Society of Wetland ScientistsProfessional Certification Program and he recently completed a second term as Chair of the Association of State Wetland Managers Board of Directors. He has worked to build bridges with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to ensure that Virginia has a seamless state-federal wetland regulatory program. His experience in both the field and as a consultant has enabled him to proactively address high-priority issues with concerned stakeholders. Today, Virginia’s wetland program has become one of the most comprehensive in the country and is recognized as a model for other states.