
Janet Morlan
Oregon Department of State Lands
Salem, Oregon

Ms. Janet Morlan, state wetlands program manager for the Oregon Department of State Lands, is a driving force behind many policy improvements and advances that make Oregon’s wetland program a national model. Known for being academically thoughtful, linking sound science with strong wetland policies, and delivering solutions, Ms. Morlan has lead the development of Oregon’s wetland assessment methods, initiated and managed a status and trend study to determine the effectiveness of Oregon’s wetland protection laws, participated in two working groups that developed regional supplements to the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, and developed interagency training for more than 300 agency staff and private consultants, and developed wetland inventory standards that have been used by 85 Oregon cities. Recently, Ms. Morlan spearheaded the development and implementation of the Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol, designed to assess the functions and values of all types of wetlands within the state. She donates much of her time after hours, serving as a board member or office with professional societies, and on outreach efforts to educate local governments and the public on wetlands.