Wetland Community Leader

Chester A. McConnell

Mobile, Alabama
Mr. Chester A. McConnell has devoted his professional and personal energies to researching, monitoring, and protecting wildlife species, and has focused for decades on wetlands and streams.

Hazel Sinclair

Covington, Louisiana
Ms. Hazel Sinclair, a high school biology teacher and a New Orleans and southeastern Louisiana native, is passionate about nature, her state’s coastal wetlands, and public education.

Barth Crouch

Kansas Alliance for Wetlands
Salina, Kansas
Mr. Barth Crouch has spent his career monitoring and protecting wildlife species and enhancing their habitats.

Barbara Salzman

Marin Audubon Society and Marin Bayland Advocates
Larkspur, California
Barbara Salzman was raised in Philadelphia, where as a child she noticed that “everything was built up.”

Florence LaRiviere

Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge
Palo Alto, California
Grassroots activist Florence LaRiviere has worked countless hours to protect wetlands in the San Francisco Bay area.
