Science Research

Paul Keddy

Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, Louisiana
Dr. Paul A. Keddy received a Ph.D. in plant ecology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Curtis J. Richardson

Duke University
Durham, North Carolina
Dr. Curtis J. Richardson received a PhD in ecology from the University of Tennessee.

Barbara Bedford

Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
Dr. Barbara Bedford is a senior research associate in the Department of Natural Resources of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, and is director of the Ecosystems Research Center there.

Francis Golet

University of Rhode Island
Kingston, Rhode Island
In his long and distinguished career in research, teaching, and advocacy, Dr. Golet has inspired generations of college students, helped define the framework of wetland protection and management at all levels of government, and shaped wetland ecology.

B. Graeme Lockaby

Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Auburn, Alabama
The depth and breadth of academic contributions to the understanding of the ecology of floodplain forests made by Graeme Lockaby are unsurpassed.

William Patrick

Louisiana State University-Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
William Patrick has been a leader in wetland research for more than 50 years, producing seminal work on wetland soil processes.

James Gosselink

Coastal Ecology Institute, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Dr. James G. Gosselink has been a leader in wetland ecology for more than 40 years as a scientist and scholar and as a communicator of science.

Ruth Patrick

Academy of Natural Sciences
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ruth Patrick has been a leader in wetland research for more than 60 years.

John Teal, Ph.D

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Rochester, Massachusetts
John Teal is an exceptional scientist-citizen assisting with problem-solving in local, national, and international communities.

Robert E. Turner, Ph.D

Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Through his work as a professor and researcher at Louisiana State University, Gene Turner has contributed a great deal to wetland conservation and management.
